Agriculture & Fertilizer Stocks

AG Stock Trades

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

POT CEO on CNBC's Fast Money

What’s the trade as agriculture stocks bounce after a rocky January? Find out from Bill Doyle, CEO of #1 fertilizer company Potash Corp.

Following is a synopsis of the main points made by Potash Corp. Chief Executive Bill Doyle on Fast Money.

You said in 2008 Potash gross margins will be 2.5 times larger than they were in 2007. How is that?

“It’s because we’re finally seeing leverage come into play,” says Doyle. “We have 75% of all the excess Potash capacity in the world and we’re bringing that excess capacity to market at higher prices.”

“Last year was our 4th record year and I think this year will be pretty good, too," he adds. "I the reason is that crop prices are up around the world. For example, for every dollar a farmer invests in palm oil in Malaysia and Indonesia they get back $9. Supply and demand fundamentals are very much in our favor. People don’t understand, yet, but there’s big demand out there.

What are you doing with all this money?

“We’re spending 5 billion over the next 4 years to bring back idle potash,” replies Doyle. “And we announced a share buy back.”

You’re buying back 5% of your shares, isn't that right?

“Amid this craziness we had in the middle of January when people said they wanted out of agriculture stocks, we bought back shares,” says Doyle. “(But) we buy back opportunistically.

Has anyone approached you about a buy-out?

I can’t tell you, says Doyle.

Traders, what do you think of this stock?
I like it, says Jeff Macke.

I think Potash could be a takeover target, speculates Guy Adami.

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